◾️Doing Tayamum when there is water available ◾️

 بــســـم الــلــه الــرحــمــن الــرحـــيــم

◾️Doing Tayamum when there is water available ◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Muhammad AbdulHameed Az-Zu'kari - may Allah preserve him - 


A man had intercourse with his wife then performed tayamum and prayed Salāhtul Fajr whilst water is available, what is the ruling of his salāh?

📩 Answer:

The salāh is invalid, he must make ghusl and then pray again. Tayamum is only performed when water is unavailable and that which takes it's ruling, or due to an illness and that which takes it's ruling. 


Translated by: 

Abu Yunus Nassime Ibn Youssef As-Saint Lucee 

💢💢- Football World Cup -💢💢

 بــســـم الــلــه الــرحــمــن الــرحـــيــم

💢💢- Football World Cup  -💢💢

Mentioned by Sheikh 'AbdulHameed Az-Zu'kari - may Allah preserve him:

❝Everyone is preoccupied with the World Cup, even the children in the neighbourhoods and the officials in the ministries, except for those whom Allāh has mercy upon. And it has become the talk, in the gatherings and broadcasted through social networks; and a fitnah (trial) which leads to another after it, and Allāh's refuge is sought. Heedlessness is rampant, ignorance is spreading dangerously, and imitation of the West hits it's folds in the Muslim nation, we seek Allāh's help.❞

🗓الأربعاء 29 / ربيع الآخر / 1444 هجرية


Translated by: 

Abu Abdurahmaan Muhammad Shareef Al-Ahdal

Munculnya Dajjal kecil


Pertanyaan :

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Syaikhana, beredar kabar diinternet bahwa Dajjal sudah muncul di Israel, namanya Yanuka sebagai Al Masih mereka kaum Yahudi. Syaikh, mohon perjanjiannya, apakah itu Dajjal kecil atau memang itulah Dajjal sesungguhnya?


Jawaban dengan memohon pertolongan pada Allah ta'ala :

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته.

Itu Dajjal kecil, karena Dajjal besar hanya muncul setelah kaum Muslimin menaklukkan Kostantinopel di akhir zaman dan meruntuhkan tembok² benteng Konstantinopel yang di lautan, dan yang di daratan, serta membuka gerbang benteng mereka dengan kalimat La ilaha illallah. Tatkala Muslimin hendak membagi² ghanimah, tahu² muncullah teriakan bahwasanya Dajjal telah keluar. 

والله تعالى أعلم بالصواب


(Dijawab Oleh : Asy Syaikh Abu Fairuz Abdurrahman bin Soekojo Al Qudsiy Al Jawiy Hafidzahullah )

Senin, 11 Jumadil Awwal 1444/12-5-2022

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