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🔹FATWA: people become amazed when they find out there's no TV in my house🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹FATWA: people become amazed when they find out there's no TV in my house🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:


📝 Question:

Some people, if they realise that there is no TV in my house, or that I do not listen to the radio, they become amazed and ask me: How do you know what's going on in the world?

✅ Answer:

▪️Firstly: it's not wājib to know what's going on in the world.

▪️Secondly: News will reach you without you even searching for it.

▪️Thirdly: There are many news outlets other than having to watch TV and listen to Music on the radio. You can listen or read, and success is from Allāh.

▪️Many people who live with a TV in their house become amazed at our children, our wives, at us, even though there's nothing to be amazed at really; because the Sharī'ah requires us to distance ourselves from TV and satellite dishes, due to what it contains of images, songs and Fitnah.

▪️Just like they used to say, how do you live without qāt? The one who chews qāt is amazed at you, how do live without qāt?
Similarly, the one into music is amazed at you, how do you live without music?
Whereas, their amazement comes only because they are addicted to these things, so much so that they find it difficult to live without them.

▪️And it's true that practising people are the happiest people, because they are with Allāh, with the Book of Allāh, with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, with the righteous predecessors, with the masjid and with themselves. So, as time passes by, they wish they could have more time, in order to spend it in the obedience of Allāh ﷻ.

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī


🔹Reasons for the weakness of Muslims in adhering to the upright Salafī methodology🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹Reasons for the weakness of Muslims in adhering to the upright Salafī methodology🔹

Summarised from the book, 'The Wonderful Research On The Causes, Solutions And Dangers of At-Tamyī' by Shaykh Abū Muhammad 'Abdul Hamīd Az-Zu'karī -may Allāh grant him success-


1. Lack of sincerety.

2. Lack of understanding.

3. Being biased.

4. Lack of concern in knowing/understanding the truth.

5. Lack of Da'wah.

6. Ignorance.

7. Evil motives.

8. Eagerness for the Dunyā.

9. Plotting against the Deen and the Da'wah.

10. Personal interests.

11. Lack of sincere tawbah.

12. Glorifying men in an unlegislated manner.

13. Sitting with the people of tamyī' as well as the people of desires.

14. Blind following.

15. Corrupt misinterpretations.

16. Misconceptions.

17. Not being content with the Salafī methodology and the clarity and purity it comes with.

18. Great concern to draw in and increase the numbers (no matter what).

19. Using 'confronting the enemies of Islām' as an excuse.

20. Extreme concern in appeasing the creation (even if it goes against the creator).

21. Broadening the means of da'wah even though this affair is tawqeefiyyah (restricted to the texts).

22. Over-enthusiasm in seeking to guide those who have gone astray.

23. Desiring what is in the hands of the people [of dunyā].

24. Cowardice and fear.

25. Fake/false piety.

26. Deception.

27. Having little jealousy for the true religion of Allāh.

28. Weakness in the affair of walā wal barā (allegiance and disallegiance).

29. Weakness in Īmān.

30. Seeking the most tolerable solution (as opposed to looking to the solutions given in the Sharī'ah)

31. Seeking to draw closer to those who have gone astray.

32. Undervaluing (the Salafī da'wah).

33. Weakness in the affair of commanding good and forbidding evil.

34. Not implementing knowledge.

35. Flattery.

36. Utilising the people of Sunnah and their scholars who profess the truth to fulfill personal agendas.

37. Confusion and disorientation.

38. Descending upon the partisans and the innovators.

39. Their claim that they want to begin with the most important matter first before moving on to matters of lesser importance.

40. They call to showing mercy, affection and having a clean heart towards Muslims (no matter what).

41. Pretending to aid the Sunnah.

42. Bootlicking.

43. Absence of clarity.

44. Using knowledge as a means of seeking livelihood.

45. Misinterpretating the truth.

46. Carelessness & negligence.

47. Not taking the advice of the firm and distinguished scholars.

48. Discrediting the understanding of the scholars.

49. Following desires and lack of devotion in adhering to the evidences.

50. The nature of a person.

51. Doubting the truth he is upon.

53. Lack of patience upon steadfastness.

53. Being ignorant of the people of falsehood and their false beliefs.

54. Mis-conceptualising falsehood.

55. Promotion of falsehood from a highly regarded scholar.

56. The people of falsehood ascribing themselves to a well-respected figure.

57. Negligence of the people of truth in warning against Tamyī' as well as other forms of falsehood.

58. The belief of the deviant mumayyi' that he is upon the truth.

59. Arrogance.

60. self amazement.

61. Envy.

62. Being negligent in seeking the truth and accepting it.

63. Believing that the truth is unclear and confusing.

64. The callers to the truth not being fluent/eloquent in their call.

65. Blameworthy disputes and argument, and love of fame and dominance.

66. Bigotry to one's forefathers, grandfathers, brothers and friends.

67. Political and sociological factors.

68. Persistence in clinging to mistakes and lack of retraction after realising the truth.

69. Flattery and bootlicking with those who are close and those not so close.

70. Spread of refutations from the blind followers of the madh-habs as well as the partisans of those principles which go against their desires and their wrong practices.
71. Not referring differences back to the methodology of the Salaf

72. Confusing between someone's opinion and what is actually a part of the religion.

73. Following the mistakes of the scholars.

74. Exploiting the silence of the scholars.

75. Adopting the principles of the people of innovation.

76. Corrupt analogy.

77. Following ambiguous evidences without reconciling between them.

78. Negligence in asking Allāh ﷻ for guidance.

79. Extremism.

80. How people interact with the truth.

81. Being content with having little knowledge.

82. Delving into Rhetoric & philosophy.

83. Accepting some of the truth and leaving off some.

84. Learning and taking knowledge from unreliable sources; books or scholars.

85. Societal factors & personal upbringing.

86. Referring matters to other than their rightful people.

87. Taking beneficial knowledge from the Aṣāghir [the innovators / those not firmly rooted in knowledge].

88. Pre-Islamic fanaticsm (racism, tribalism, etc)

89. Laxness in cultivating the youngsters.

90. Giving precedence to the intellect over the revelation.

91. Acting by the apparent meanings of the texts without referring them back to the explanations given by the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and his companions.

92. Following assumptions.

93. The innovator's use of deceptive ploys / loopholes.

94. Dividing the religion into an outer and inner core, or principles and subsidiaries.

95. Following strange statements/ views.

96. The innovator's concern on secondary matters as opposed to primary matters.

97. Turning away from the Qur'ān and the Sunnah by not learning and acting by them.

98. Poverty.

99. The presence of many innovators within Islām.

100. Inclining towards the misguided ones on the pretext that their intentions are good.

101. Lethargy.

102. Sins and disobedience.

103. Listening to one's own evil thoughts.

104. Listening to the whispers of the devil.

105. The person himself being unsuited to following the Sunnah.

106. Lying.

107. Weak determination.

108. Not refutating those who oppose the truth.

109. Charity organizations.

110. Multitude of groups & sects.

111. Not looking to the aftermath.

112. Not answering Allāh ﷻ and His Messenger ﷺ's call immediately.

113. The people of innovation engaging in their innovations publicly.

114. Secrecy.

115. Advocating tamyī' by destroying the principles of disparagment which the Salaf were upon; such as:

a. Their saying: we correct without disparaging, or: we correct without destroying.

b. We mustn't allow our differing over others lead to a differing amongst ourselves.

c. Their saying: boycotting the innovators varies depending on time, and we must assess the benefits before boycotting the innovators.

d. From their false principles is, rejecting the report of trustworthy individuals and casting doubts regarding them.

e. Cancelling out the manhaj of testing the people.

f. From their principles: We do not accept a disparagment unless everyone is in agreement.

g. From their principles is, rejecting detailed disparagment.

h. Their saying: disparagement between compatriots must be ignored and not reported.

i. Blindfollowing in the affair of disparagment and appraisals (Al-jarḥ wa At-ta'dīl)

j. Promoting the issue of Muwāzahah by mentioning good together with the evils of an individual.

116. Not returning affairs back to the well established scholars.

117. Estrangement of the people of Sunnah.

118. Paying no attention to errors in Manhaj if the 'Aqīdah is sound.

119. Being sentimental.

120. Imitating the idolators.

121. Partiality of the students of knowledge and callers.

122. Presence of Spies.

123. Disillusioned scholars degrading the upright, devoted scholars.

124. Attending free-mixed universities and schools run by innovators as well as language Institutes.

125. Relying on weak or fabricated ḥadīth.

126. Taking up authorship although unskilled to do so.
127. People of falsehood defaming the sunnī scholars and attacking its callers whilst acclaiming the scholars of innovation.

128. The callers of tamayī' pretending to be people of knowledge and understanding.

129. Being deceived with titles as opposed to looking to the reality of those behind those titles.

130. The fundamental principles which the people of tamayī hold firmly onto, and which leads them to tamyī':

a. Going overboard in the principle of "hardship necessitates ease."

b. Going overboard in the principle of "warding off harm takes precedence over bringing about good".

c. Going overboard in the criterion of compulsion.

d. Going overboard in the principle of "necessity".

e. Their saying: There is no critisim in the affairs of ijtihād.

f. Matters are judged according to their objectives.

g. Their disregard for the principle of "blocking off all that may lead to sin"

h. Harm must be eliminated.

i. The principle: The ends justify the means

j. Applying discretion in legal matters.

k. Unspecified public interests.

l. Their statement: every mujtahid is correct in his deduction.

m. Their saying: we reject what opposes the accepted principles.

n. Giving precedence to corrupt opinions over the evidences.

o. Their tamyī' in referring incorrect/general statement's of infallible individuals back to their correct statements on the same topic - (Haml al-mujmal 'ala Al-mufassal)

p. Their saying that, Āhād(4) reports are insufficient in establishing a matter.

q. Their statement: we are men and they [the sahābah] are men.

r. Their statement: customs prevail over every other rule.

131. Some of the "watered down" Modern terminologies:

a. New world order.

b. Their claim that, "Religion is the opium of the people."

c. Their call to Universal Liberty.

d. Their call to enlightenment and education.

e. Their call to religious tolerance.

f. Their call to the evolvement & progression of the religion.

g. Their call to (adapting the religion to match) contemporary trends.

h. Their saying, modernisation of religious rhetoric.

i. Their saying, respecting and honoring all religions.

j. Their statement that: Some (Islamic) rulings need to be revised.

k. Their saying, religious liberty.

l. Their reference to Christianity and Judaism as being heavenly / divine religions.

m. Their call to (social) normalisation.

n. Their saying that: the religion is for Allāh, but the country is for all.

o. Their claim that, religion is a cause for sectarianism.

p. Their call to implementing the "soul & spirit" of Islām.

q. Their call to a "moderate" form of Islām.

r. Democracy.

s. Promoting freemasonry.

t. Promoting humanitarianism.

u. Promoting "coexistence"

v. Promoting globalization and universal integration and development.

Translated by:
Abū Juwayriyah Nūruddīn ibn Sulaymān ibn Hārūn Al-'Īdī


🔹ADVICE - how to deal with those who attack the Salafī da'wah from the Muslims🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹ADVICE - how to deal with those who attack the Salafī da'wah from the Muslims🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:


📝 Question:

A brother attacks the Salafī Da'wah, he says regarding it indecent vulgar speech and I advised him but without any benefit?

✅ Answer:

Be gentle with him, have patience upon him, call him and deal with him with gentleness, for many people are put off the Da'wah due to the harshness and roughness of its callers. "Gentleness is not placed in anything except that it adorns it, and it is not removed from anything except that it leaves it defective."

If he is from the general folk then it is not permissible to boycott him for this reason, rather you call him and be patient upon him, because you boycotting him will lead to him being more distanced, and the people get distressed due to being boycotted for that reason the prophet ﷺ said:
"It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (stop talking to) his brother beyond three nights, this one turning one way and the other turning the other when they meet, and the better of the two is the one who is first to greet the other."

Calling to Allāh ﷻ can be through one's actions or statements, and perhaps one's actions may have a more positive affect; as people observe a person's actions and are affected by it.

Translated by:
Majeed Al-Afghānī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹FATWA - attending the funeral of a disbeliever🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹FATWA - attending the funeral of a disbeliever🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:


📝 Question:

Assalāmu 'Aleikum O Sheikh, how are you? How do we respond to those who use the fact that Allāh's Messenger ﷺ allowed 'Alī to bury his father as evidence in permitting a Muslim to attend the funeral of a Christian?

✅ Answer:

wa'aleikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

▪️'Alī, may Allah be pleased with him, buried his father; a person who Allāh has commanded him to show kindness and be dutiful to, as Allāh The Most High said:
{وَبِٱلۡوَ ٰ⁠لِدَیۡنِ إِحۡسَانࣰا}
"And be dutiful to your parents."
[Surat Al-Baqarah 83]

▪️And he ('Alī) was his father's gaurdian and the one overseeing his affair.

▪️So if there is no one else to bury the Christian, it is allowed for a Muslim to bury them, as the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ did with the people of the well (the well in which the bodies of the pagans killed in the Battle of Badr were thrown).

▪️Moreover, it is not known from the Salaf that they would attend the funerals of the disbelievers.

▪️Attending a funeral is from the special rights of a Muslim, as mentioned in the Ḥadīth; "and if he (the Muslim) dies, attend his funeral" - agreed upon.

▪️Furthermore, the funeral of Abū Ṭālib ('Ali's father) was free from innovations/ wrong practices. In the Ḥadīth, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: "Go and bury him, and do not do anything else."

▪️As for the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ standing when the funeral of the Jew went by, and his saying, "Is it not a soul?" Then, this was abrogated - as in the Ḥadīth of 'Alī in Muslim.

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - learn & implement your knowledge 🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - learn & implement your knowledge 🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


It is also necessary for a student of knowledge to adorn himself with implementing knowledge, so that he distinguishes himself from everyone else, whether it be in his prayer; he should be eager to pray as the prophet ﷺ prayed. He should be eager to implement the Sunnah in his fasting, his Hajj, in his night prayers, during his travels and in his residency. He should manifest this knowledge outwardly.

Translated by:
Abu Mundhir Ismā'īl Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mahmūd As Ṣūmālī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - Adorn yourselves with good manners O students of knowledge🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - Adorn yourselves with good manners O students of knowledge🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


Knowledge will not benefit a person unless he acts upon it. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and the people on the streets? There is no difference between you and them except by knowledge and action. So, O student of knowledge, adorn yourself with good manners, for verily the one with good manners will be from the closest of people to the Prophet ﷺ on the day of Resurrection.

The Prophet ﷺ said:

((إِنَّ أَقْرَبِكُمْ مِنِّي مَجْلِسًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ‏ أَحْسَنُكُمْ أَخْلَاقًا))

"The closest of you to me on the day of ressurection will be those amongst you with the best character."

Translated by:
Abū Abdillah Masoud ibn Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Ma'waly
Abū Muhammad 'Abdul Hakeem ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ūghandī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - aspire for great things🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم  🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - aspire for great things🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


All praises are due to Allāh.

As to what follows:

From the traits which a student of knowledge should characterise himself with, is to have high aspirations. He should never be satisfied with being inferior. He should strive to be the most memorised, the most active and the one who offers the greatest benefit for the Muslims.

For verily, if a student of knowledge has high aspirations, he will be of more benefit and his goodness will be felt. But if he has low aspirations; so and so will deal with it, Allāh will benefit (people) through so and so, and so and so Sheikh, the harms of this could cause him to give up.

Translated by:
Abū Abdillah Masoud ibn Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Ma'waly
Abū Muhammad 'Abdul Hakeem ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ūghandī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - preserve 3, and your religion will be safe🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - preserve 3, and your religion will be safe🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


All praises are due to Allāh.

As to what follows:

Upon you is to have concern for (the following) three affairs O Muslim!

1⃣ - The hearing; so that it does not hear anything but good.

2⃣ - The vision; so that it does not see anything but good.

3⃣ - The heart; so that it does not believe in anything but good.

And if these three limbs are preserved, your religion will be preserved.

Translated by:
Abū Abdillāh Masoud ibn 'Alī ibn Muhammad Al-Ma'waly

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - don't wait for the next annual conference to seek knowledge🔹

🔻🔹بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - don't wait for the next annual conference to seek knowledge🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


Knowledge requires continued dedication in acquiring it and implementing it, and this is clearly illustrated in the statements of the righteous predecessors; look at their saying: "from the inkwell till the graveyard".

And this deficiency to attain knowledge that has affected people is only due to them restricting and limiting knowledge to a particular period or conference.

So continue to seek knowledge, and let your affair be as the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

"There are two categories of people who will never be quenched; the one who is hungry for knowledge will never be quenched, and the one who is hungry for this world will never be quenched."

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹ADVICE - the imām who regularly misses Fajr prayer 🔹

🔻🔹بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - the imām who regularly misses Fajr prayer 🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:
21.Rabī' ll.1441 AH.

📝 Question:

He says, we have an imām who runs the Da'wah, but he regularly misses the Fajr congregation due to oversleeping. We want you to advice him.

✅ Answer:

Our advice for him is (as follows):

{یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ}
"O believers! Why do you say what you do not do?"

{كَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُوا۟ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ}
"How despicable it is in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do!"
[Surat As-Saf 2-3]

Likewise, Allāh the Almighty said:

{أَتَأۡمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلۡبِرِّ وَتَنسَوۡنَ أَنفُسَكُمۡ وَأَنتُمۡ تَتۡلُونَ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَۚ أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ}
"Do you preach righteousness and fail to practice it yourselves, although you read the Scripture? Do you not understand?"
[Surat Al-Baqarah 44]

▪️So how can the imām of a masjid regularly fail to attend the Fajr congregation? This indicates negligence and carelessness (on his part), and we seek Allāh's aid.

▪️It is not permissible for anyone to miss the Fajr prayer, let alone the imām. In fact, by this, he is indirectly encouraging others to miss the Fajr prayer.

▪️Moreover, the Prophet ﷺ said of a man who slept throughout the night till morning:
((ذَاكَ رَجُلٌ بَالَ الشَّيْطَانُ فِي أُذُنَيْهِ))
"That is a man in whose ears Shayṭān has urinated."

▪️And he ﷺ informed us that a man who does not get up to pray (Fajr), wakes up feeling sluggish and in low spirits.

▪️And the most burdensome prayer for the hypocrites is the Fajr and 'Ishā prayers, so we advise him to fear Allāh the Almighty and take the necessary means to wake up early; like setting an alarm. But prior to that, he should go to bed early, do his adhkār and make regular istighfār (seek forgiveness).

We ask Allāh to forgive us, our parents and the believers.

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

🔹Distinct means in aiding the Salafī Da'wah🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🔹🔻

🔹Distinct means in aiding the Salafī Da'wah🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- wrote:


All praises are due to Allāh, and peace be upon the Messenger of Allāh.

As to what follows:

This is a summary of the points mentioned in my book, 'Distinct means in aiding the Salafī Da'wah':

1. Supporting the Deen of Allāh.

2. Being Sincere.

3. Adhering to the Sunnah.

4. Seeking Knowledge [of the sharī'ah] and being equipped with it.

5. Implementing knowledge.

6. Being patient in seeking knowledge, implementing it and giving Da'wah.

7. Adopting a gentle approach when giving Da'wah.

8. Addressing people according to their level [of understanding].

9. Eagerness in maintaining Brotherhood.

10. Starting with the most important matter first and then moving forward in order of importance.

11. Giving [heart softening] reminders every now and then.

12. Giving importance to the houses of Allāh (Masjids).

13. Exerting effort in advising.

14. Enjoining good and forbidding evil.

15. Exercising wisdom when giving Da'wah.

16. Refuting the people of innovation.

17. Taking knowledge from its rightful people.

18. Sitting with the people of Sunnah.

19. Forsaking the people of innovation.

20. Being generous and considerate.

21. Being attached to the scholars.

22. Wishing guidance for people.

23. Preserving time.

24. Consulting the people of understanding.

25. Being continual in performing righteous deeds.

26. Eagerness for unity.

27. Bravery.

28. Preserving (people's) honour and sanctities

29. Showing warmth and friendliness.

30. Steadfastness.

31. Professing the truth.

32. Distancing oneself from the people of trials and tribulations.

33. Humility.

34. Doing Jihād in its variant types while meeting its conditions.

35. Showing gratitude to Allāh.

36. Having excellent character.

37. Pardoning & forgiving.

38. Examining & scrutinising [doubtful information].

39. Being just.

40. Having true reliance upon Allāh.

41. Confronting hearsays and rumours.

42. Returning to the truth.

43. Seeking safety from trials and tribulations.

44. Abstinence from the Dunyā.

45. Staying clear of recklessness.

46. Treating people according to their status.

47. Remembrance of Allāh.

48. Foresight is a reason for triumph.

49. Seeking forgiveness from sins and shortcomings on a regular basis, and with Allāh lies success.

50. Being content with Salafiyyah.

The means in aiding the Salafī Da'wah are plenty, but these are the most inclusive of them all.

The leaflet was completed on Friday, 6th of Dhul qa'dah, 1428 AH, in the library of the Hadeeth institute in dammāj -may Allāh have mercy on its founder and preserve those currently running it-

Before concluding, I know that the means in aiding the Salafī Da'wah are numerous, however, we mentioned the most comprehensive means which encompass many other means, we ask Allāh the Mighty and Majestic for assistance.

Translated by:
Abū Juwayriyah Nūruddīn ibn Sulaymān ibn Hārūn Al-'Īdī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah


_*Telah Di Periksa Oleh Asy-Syaikh Abu Fairuz Abdurrohman Bin Soekojo Al Indonesiy حفظه الله تعالى*_                بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَن...