🔹ADVICE - don't wait for the next annual conference to seek knowledge🔹

🔻🔹بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - don't wait for the next annual conference to seek knowledge🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


Knowledge requires continued dedication in acquiring it and implementing it, and this is clearly illustrated in the statements of the righteous predecessors; look at their saying: "from the inkwell till the graveyard".

And this deficiency to attain knowledge that has affected people is only due to them restricting and limiting knowledge to a particular period or conference.

So continue to seek knowledge, and let your affair be as the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

"There are two categories of people who will never be quenched; the one who is hungry for knowledge will never be quenched, and the one who is hungry for this world will never be quenched."

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

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