🔹ADVICE - aspire for great things🔹

🔻🔹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم  🔹🔻

🔹ADVICE - aspire for great things🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


All praises are due to Allāh.

As to what follows:

From the traits which a student of knowledge should characterise himself with, is to have high aspirations. He should never be satisfied with being inferior. He should strive to be the most memorised, the most active and the one who offers the greatest benefit for the Muslims.

For verily, if a student of knowledge has high aspirations, he will be of more benefit and his goodness will be felt. But if he has low aspirations; so and so will deal with it, Allāh will benefit (people) through so and so, and so and so Sheikh, the harms of this could cause him to give up.

Translated by:
Abū Abdillah Masoud ibn Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Ma'waly
Abū Muhammad 'Abdul Hakeem ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Ūghandī

📡 https://t.me/fawaaidassunnah

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