▪️Is hyena meat permissible to eat? ▪️

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shuayb - may Allah preserve him- on the 17th, Shawwaal, 1440H

▪️Is hyena meat permissible to eat? ▪️


What benefit does this hadeeth bring about it in regards to the issue of the lawful and unlawfulness of hyena meat:

It has been reported from Khuzaymah ibn jaz'in - may Allah be pleased with him- he said: " I asked the prophet ﷺ about eating the hyena so he said : [ and who would eat the hyena?! ] so I asked him about the wolf so he said: [ and will anyone who has good in him eat a wolf?! ]
Reported by At-tirmithi.


The hadeeth which indicates to the permissibility of eating the hyena is the hadeeth of Abdurahmaan ibn Abdillah ibn Abi Ammaar he said [" I asked jaabir ibn abdillah Al-ansaari about the hyena so I said
"can I eat it?"
He said " yes"
I said " is it from the animals which are hunted?"
He said "yes"
I said "did you hear this from the prophet of Allah ﷺ?"
He said " yes".]
Reported by Al-khamsah (abu daawood, ibn maajah, at-tirmithi, an-nasaa'i, ahmad)
Al-bukhaari said : "hadeeth saheeh."
As for the hadeeth of Khuzaymah ibn jaz'in mentioned in the question which shows the rebukement of the prophet ﷺ in eating it- then it is weak, rather it is very weak, in the chain of the narration is ismaaeel ibn muslim al-makki and Abdul Kareem ibn Abil makaariq and they are both not to be taken from.
Translated by:
Abu Huthayfah
Saami al-hindy


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