mengikuti hawa nafsu maka akhirnya adalah kehinaan

*📌 قــال الامــام ابــن القــيم*
*ـ رحمــہ اللـہ تعالـﮯ ـ*

*☜ لــڪـل عـبــد بــدايــة ونهــايــة فمـن ڪــانت بـدايتـــه اتبــا؏ الهـوى ڪــانت نهـايتــه الذل والصَّغــار والحــرمــان والبــلاء.*

*📓【 روضــةالمحبــين (صـ 483 ) 】*

*Berkata Al-Imam Ibmul Qoyyim -rohimahulloh-:*

*Setiap hamba memiliki permulaan dan akhir maka barangsiapa yang permulaannya mengikuti hawa nafsu maka akhirnya adalah kehinaan, kerendahan, terhalang dari kebaikan, dan musibah.*

*[Roudlotul Muhibbin/hal 483].*

*Diterjemahkan oleh al-faqir ilalloh: Abu Saif Mufti, semoga Alloh menjauhkan kita dari sebab2 kehinaan.*

*Faedah dari Al Ustadz Abu Saif Mufti Jombang حَفِظَهُ اللّٰه*


🔹FATWA: people become amazed when they find out there's no TV in my house🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹FATWA: people become amazed when they find out there's no TV in my house🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:


📝 Question:

Some people, if they realise that there is no TV in my house, or that I do not listen to the radio, they become amazed and ask me: How do you know what's going on in the world?

✅ Answer:

▪️Firstly: it's not wājib to know what's going on in the world.

▪️Secondly: News will reach you without you even searching for it.

▪️Thirdly: There are many news outlets other than having to watch TV and listen to Music on the radio. You can listen or read, and success is from Allāh.

▪️Many people who live with a TV in their house become amazed at our children, our wives, at us, even though there's nothing to be amazed at really; because the Sharī'ah requires us to distance ourselves from TV and satellite dishes, due to what it contains of images, songs and Fitnah.

▪️Just like they used to say, how do you live without qāt? The one who chews qāt is amazed at you, how do live without qāt?
Similarly, the one into music is amazed at you, how do you live without music?
Whereas, their amazement comes only because they are addicted to these things, so much so that they find it difficult to live without them.

▪️And it's true that practising people are the happiest people, because they are with Allāh, with the Book of Allāh, with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, with the righteous predecessors, with the masjid and with themselves. So, as time passes by, they wish they could have more time, in order to spend it in the obedience of Allāh ﷻ.

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī


🔹FATWA: how to calculate the Zakāh of qāt (Catha edulis)🔹

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

🔹FATWA: how to calculate the Zakāh of qāt (Catha edulis)🔹

Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- was asked the following question:


📝 Question:

How is the zakāt of qāt calculated?

✅ Answer:

Our sheikh, Muqbil, may Allāh have mercy on him, said: "Its Zakāh is to uproot it from the ground."

This is its Zakāh; that you pull it out of the ground and relieve the land that it has enveloped and overtaken.

Translated by:
Abū Ishāq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bā 'Alawī



_*Telah Di Periksa Oleh Asy-Syaikh Abu Fairuz Abdurrohman Bin Soekojo Al Indonesiy حفظه الله تعالى*_                بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَن...