◾️Does drinking my wife's milk make her impermissible for me?◾️

🌹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🌹

◾️Does drinking my wife's milk make her impermissible for me?◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb - may Allah preserve him- on the 5th, Shawwaal 1440H


What is the ruling of the man if he sucks milk from the breast of his wife during sexual intercourse?


There is no sin upon him, no suckling makes marriage unlawful except the suckling of the toddler who is within the age of 2 due to the hadeeth:
"Breastfeeding (which makes marriage impermissible/establishes suckling relationships) is that which satifies hunger"
And the story of Sahlah with Saalim the slave of Abu Huthayfah (1)is a specific incident and has no generality to it and this is the opinion of the majority of the scholars and Allah the most high knows best.

(1)the hadeeth of Aaisha-may Allah be pleased with her- said: sahlah the daughter of suhail came to the prophet-may Allahs peace and blessing be upon him- and said : "Oh messenger of Allah, verily I see (signs of disgust) on the face of abu Huthayfah due to the entering of saalim ( who was abu Huthayfah's freed slave and used to live with them from young and at this point had reached the age of puberty) so the prophet said to her "breastfeed him" whereupon she replied "how can I breastfeed him and he is a grown man?" So the prophet smiled and said "I know he is a grown man"...
And in the narration of muslim: she then said "(I did that) and by Allah I did not see (any sign of disgust) on the face of abu Huthayfah after that"

Reported by Albukhaari and muslim in their saheeh.

Translated by:
Abu Huthayfah
Saami al-hindy

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