◾️ Is Photography a subject of differing? ◾️

🌹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🌹

◾️ Is Photography a subject of differing? ◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb - may Allah preserve him- on the 5th, Dhil-Qi'dah, 1439H


O Shaykh, may Allah preserve you, there are some people that say that photographic picture taking is a subject of differing, and that the differing is taken into consideration, and that we are not to rebuke those that see it to be permissible, due to them being preceeded by scholars.

How do we reply to this?


The subject of taking picture of that which contains souls is not from the affairs of 'ijtihād' due to the presence of extensive legislative texts in clarification of its impermissibility and the warning of it.

Nawawi, may Allah have mercy upon him, in his 'Sharh Muslim' after mentioning the Ahadeeth surrounding picture taking, said:

"These Hadiths are clearcut in prohibiting picturing animals, and it is severe in prohibition."
[End of speech]

And this encompasses all types of picture taking, and whoever draws distinction between the different types [of picture making] has to provide evidence.

Translated by:
Abu 'Abdirrahman 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani

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