🔹Some of the causes of apostasy from the religion of Al-Islām🔹

 🔻بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🔻

🔹Some of the causes of apostasy from the religion of Al-Islām🔹

On the 8th of Jumāda Al-Ūlā 1441 AH, Sheikh Abū Muhammad Abdulhamīd Al-Zoukorī -may Allāh grant him success- said:


Some of the causes of apostasy from the religion of Al-Islām:

1. Being ignorant of Allāh's religion - The Mighty and Majestic.

2. Coveting the Dunyā.

3. Being inclined towards (evil) desires.

4. (Being exposed to) a great deal of doubts & misconceptions

5. Sitting with the disbelievers and apostates.

6. Lacking correct creed

7. Being inclined towards immorality.

8. Not establishing the capital punishment for apostates.

9. The weak state of the Muslims.

10. Residing in the lands of disbelief

11. (Active) Missionaries

12. Silence from some of the people of knowledge.

14. (Presence of) wicked scholars, such as those who promote unification of religions.

14. Not asking (Allāh) for guidance (or seeking guidance through the correct channels)

15. Reading books written by atheist and their likes.

16. Hunger for wealth and stature.

17. Blaming Islām for the weakness of the Muslims.

18. Living in an environment surrounded by apostates.

19. Failure to teach the youth the correct creed.

20. Mocking the Deen

21. Not using the correct terminologies, like saying, Jews and Christians follow a heavenly/divine religion - even though their religion is distorted.

22. Promoting individual liberty in the absolute sense

23. Circulation of democracy and secularism.

24. Misusing social media

25. Media activism

26. Conspiracy of the disbelievers by means of freemasonry.

27. Weakness in walā wal barā (allegiance and disallegiance)

Translated by:
Abū Juwayriyah Nūruddīn ibn Sulaymān ibn Hārūn Al-'Īdī

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