◾️Which is more virtuous, to hasten in fasting the six days of shawwaal or to prolong it?◾️

🌹 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم 🌹

◾️Which is more virtuous, to hasten in fasting the six days of shawwaal or to prolong it?◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb - may Allah preserve him- on the 8th, Shawwaal 1440H


Note: A mas'alah fiqheeyah:
['Not hastening in fasting the 6 days of shawwaal']:
Abdur-razzaaq As-san'aani was asked regarding the one who fasts the second day after eid Al-fitr, he thought about it and rejected it very harshly.
Abdur-razzaaq said "I asked m'amar about fasting the six days of shawwaal which is after Eid al-fitr, so the people said to said to him " fast them a day straight after al-fitr!?"
So he said "Allahs refuge is sought! These days are only for eid and eating and drinking" [reported in the musannaf of abdur-razzaaq 316/4]
So that which seems apparent, and Allah knows best:
That one should not over burden himself by fasting the six days (of shawwaal) close to the first day (eid). Whether it may be permissable in terms of its originality, however one may lose out on that which is more virtuous than hastening in fasting(the six days of shawwaal), like visiting close friends and relatives and tieing kins of kinship, and spending generously on your family and kids, and one is able to fast these days after the first few days (after eid al-fitr) as it's time is spaced out and all praise is for Allah.
And Allah is most high and most knowledgeable.
Our noble sheikh may Allah preserve you, what is your opinion in this ( that which was just mentioned) and what is the correct opinion?


This is good and Allah knows best.
If the benefits which are transitive, necessitate one not fasting the first few days then he shouldn't hasten and if not then he should hasten with the fast due to the generality of Islamic proofs which indicate to hastening to acts of worship.

Translated by:
Abu Huthayfah
Saami al-hindy

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