๐Ÿ“The other Madhabs in the subject matter of sleep:

๐ŸŒด ุจุณู€ู€ู€ู… ุงู„ู„ู€ู€ู‡ ุงู„ุฑุญู€ู€ู…ู€ู€ู† ุงู„ู€ุฑุญู€ู€ู€ูŠู€ู€ู… ๐ŸŒด

๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”น’Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyyah’๐Ÿ”น๐Ÿ”ถ

▪️Author: Imฤm Ash-Shawkฤni

-May Allah have mercy on him-

▪️Explanation: By Shaykh Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb 

-May Allah preserve him-

๐Ÿ“šChapter of the nullifiers of the Wudhu

๐Ÿ“The other Madhabs in the subject matter of sleep:

Sa'eed bin Al-Musayyib and Al-Hassan Al-Basri said:

If sleep crosses the heart of one of you then perform Wudhu. 

'Ataa bin Abi Rabaah said:

If sleep overtakes you then perform Wudhu, sitting or lying down. 

'Ataa, Tawuus, and Mujaahid said:

Whoever sleeps while in Rukuu', or in prostration, then let them perform Wudhu. 

Ishaaq and Al-Qaasim bin Salaam said:

Whenever one was to sleep until it overtook their minds they're to perform Wudhu. 

Az-Zuhri, Rabee'ah and Maalik:

If one slept a little it doesn't nullify their Wudhu, if it went further then Wudhu is performed. 

Al-Awzaa'i said:

If the sleep becomes heavy while sitting Wudhu is performed, as for those whose sleep is illusive, sleeping and waking, then there is no Wudhu upon them. 

Ahmed bin Hanbal said:

If the sleep for those sleeping while seated becomes lengthy then Wudhu is performed. 

Al-Hakam, Hamaad and Sufyaan Ath-Thawri said:

It's not obligatory upon the sleeping to perform Wudhu up until they lie on their side. 

The people of Intellect based opinions (Ra'yi) said:

If one was standing or in Rukuu' or prostrating or sitting, then this doesn't nullify the Wudhu, as for when sleeping lying down or leaning, then it nullifies the Wudhu. 

Abu Yusuf said:

It's like that except for the one prostrating in the prayer, he claims that even when intentionally sleeping while praying that Wudhu is obligatory to be made, and the prayer is invalid, and if sleep was to overtake them then there is no Wudhu upon them. 

Ibn Al-Mubarak said:

If a man was to sleep while prostrating in the prayer then there is no Wudhu upon him, and if one was to sleep while prostrating outside the prayer then it's upon them to perform Wudhu, if they intentionally slept during prostrating in the prayer then it's upon them to perform Wudhu. 

Shaafi'i said:

Regardless for the one thats on a boat or a camel or a donkey, and the lifted off the ground, whenever they were to descend, and snored or slept standing, or in Rukuu', or prostrating, or lying down, then Wudhu is to made, because the one that's sleeping while seated is flat on the ground and it's the case that nothing comes out from them except that they will notice it. 

Abu Thawr said:

The one that is sleeping while seated doesn't make Wudhu, and the one sleeping while lying down makes Wudhu. 

End of speech summarised from Al-Awsat of Ibnl Mundhir (1/142).


Translated by: 

Abu 'Abdirrahman 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ash-Shingaani

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