◾️Purchasing camera phones for children◾️

 بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

◾️Purchasing camera phones for children◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shuayb, may Allah preserve him, on the 14th, Shawwāl, 1440H


O Shaykh, is it permissible for a father to buy a camera phone for his daughter that isn't married?

Seeing as her (female) cousins also own these phones is making her feel jealous of them, the father wants to persuade his daughter that it’s impermissible to have these types of phones but she is unwilling in accepting any position except the legislative stance, we seek a plausible reply, Oh blessed Shaykh.


We advise him not to allow her to acquire this device as it's something which brings about trials, tribulation and destruction, especially in regards to (young) boys and girls, there is nothing like having safety in ones religion.

Translated by:
Abu Ibrahīm Nāsir bin Rashid Al-Māmry

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